This is the best site on the internet for exchange students, so if you are one, will be one or has been one, check it out and join it, the membership is free. I just wish I would have known about this site earlier.
Create e-mail address / vytvorte si e-mail adresu
- This link is especially for my sister, but all of you dumies that don't have an e-mail go here and create your own (hotmail) (Sestro Kristino nevahej a vytvor si adresu. Nenech se zahambovat mladsim sourozencem, ktery ma uz i svoji home-page.)
Create a home page
This page will show you the way how to create a home page. I kinda thought I should put this link here because that page helped me a lot.
/ Tady vam ukazou jak si udelat vlastni home page (ale je to v anglictine).
HTML Goodies
This page is really cool if you already know something about HTML. But you guys don't even have a clue what HTML is, eh. There's nothing for you there.
Hluboka nad Vltavou
Check out the page of my home town. ( That page is actually pretty crappy but who cares, you won't go there anyway) / Mestecko Hluboka - tahle jejich stranka neni nic moc.